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The Newfoundland Athletic Dog Association, Inc. (NADA) is a member-based not-for-profit organization located at 10 Pearl Place, St. John's NL.  NADA, Inc. was founded May 27, 2007 and incorporated in June 2007.


NADA's primary objectives are:

  • To promote dog sports for all dogs regardless of pedigree.

  • To encourage responsible dog ownership and sportsmanlike competition in dog sports.


NADA offers classes in Dog Sports Foundations, Agility, Flyball, Rally, and Obedience to both members and non-members who are interested in trying out these sports.  All are welcomed and encouraged to try; non-members may apply to be added to the Class Notification List.  NADA also holds workshops and information sessions in other sports of interest such as Nosework.  


Philosoph & Values
"Our Dogs Are Our Teammates, Not Our Subordinates."
Dianne Ford

NADA's Training Philosophy
and Core Values

  • We use shaping primarily (and if necessary, luring for a short time before resuming shaping).

  • We support the use of clickers and verbal markers in our training and the use of toys and food treats to serve as rewards and motivators.

  • We value the bond that is created between individuals and their dog.

  • We take care to work to strengthen that bond through positive reinforcement methods.

  • The purpose of all of our endeavours in the various sports is to have fun and to help create a dog/handler team that works enthusiastically together.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors 2023-2024

NADA's Board of Directors is keen to represent the interests of the membership and ensure the ongoing sustainability and vitality of the Newfoundland Athletic Dog Association, Inc.  We look forward to hearing from you and working together to achieve our goals.

Our History

NADA's History 

Our Logo

The logo for the Newfoundland Athletic Dog Association, Inc. was designed by Dianne Ford and approved by a group of founding members in early 2007.  Elements of the logo represent the following:


  • Circle - The circle represents the continuum of learning and the gathering of equals with a common goal.  

  • Newfoundland Flag - The Newfoundland flag is the official provincial flag representing both Newfoundland and Labrador.  

  • Standards - The triangle standards represent both agility and flyball, the founding sports of NADA.

  • Name - The arc of the club name mirrors the arc of the circle.

  • Dog - The dog is of no specific breed to represent that all breeds are welcome; the dog is athletic/active (taking the jump).  Note:  the dog is 'naked' having no collar representing the boundless energy and joy of a dog learning through play and the use of positive training methods.

  • Ball - The ball also symbolizes the club's training methods (a.k.a positive reinforcement/non-force methods).  Toys are also the best training tool we have for creating drive, joy, speed and accuracy. 

  • Colors - Colors chosen to complement/balance the colors in the Newfoundland Flag. 

Note: Initially the logo included the words 'Agility & Flyball'.  This was removed from the logo in 2018 to ensure the logo represented all dog sports offered by NADA.

The 'Barn'

'The Barn', as it was affectionately known, was NADA's first home.  Located at 44A Clovelly Lane, adjacent to Covelly Stables, the barn was the home of Seahorse Equine Centre.  The first couple of years NADA rented space, sharing the large coverall-style building with the horses and sometimes chickens.  To say there were lots of distractions when training the dogs would be an understatement!  By 2010, NADA was bursting at the seams with more demand than could fit in the available time.  With the move of Sarah Barron, owner of Seahorse Equine Centre to the United States in 2011, the opportunity presented itself for NADA to purchase the facility allowing NADA to grow and expand on its offerings.  The facility was retrofitted to better serve the needs of NADA, the facility surface was upgraded and work was done around the property.  Membership continued to grow and NADA enjoyed many years of fun, play, and education, with many friendships built - many continue to this day.


In 2017, NADA was informed that Covelly Stables were closing and NADA would need to vacate the premises.  It was time to move on.


Throughout 2017 and into 2018, a dedicated group of NADA members searched for a new home for NADA.  This was a period of many highs and lows for the Club; our future was in jeopardy.  The search identified 10 Pearl Place as an option for NADA to move forward.  After much discussion and deliberation, the membership took a leap of faith in deciding to redesign NADA's offerings and price points such that NADA could move into a smaller training space and continue operations.  The lease was signed in September 2018, with operations recommencing in November 2018.


The facility took a lot of work to make it 'ours' from repairing walls, painting, installing flooring appropriate for dog sports and arranging storage space.  The membership stepped up with significant fundraising initiatives and offering their own labour support to make the move a success.  


Since that time membership has grown from approximately 70-85 to over 100 members (even during the pandemic).  While we can no longer provide indoor trials in our own facility, the heated/AC space and cleanliness has been a big bonus for members.  The interest in our sports offerings continues to grow, and new instructors are being brought in as much as possible to make it all happen.

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